“The Miracle of Goal Setting”
Let one of the best speakers in the world be your speaking consultant
Jerry Bacon

Professional Speaker & Consultant

Is it possible to initiate miracles in your life? Professional speaker Jerry Bacon says, “Yes!” He calls the process “The Miracle of Goal Setting,” and he can teach you how to do it.

Recognized by Toastmasters International as one of its nine best speakers in the world during the 1997 World Championship of Public Speaking competition, Bacon knows how to inspire people to set goals that will transform their lives and organizations. To improve your sales, increase profits, motivate staff or change your life, you can call Bacon.

Why Should You Set Goals

For Bacon, goal setting is not only a strategy for getting what you want in life. It’s the story of his life. As an 11-year-old boy in the Catholic orphanage, Bacon set his first goal - to not be poor, ever again. Since that time, he has achieved one goal after another. He worked his way through college at The Citadel, earned an MBA and became an award-winning insurance agent. He operated his own successful agency in North Charleston until his retirement.

“There are two kinds of poor people: those without money and those without hope,” Bacon says. “My mother never allowed my sister nor me to be without hope. She taught us that we could have our dreams, and I try to teach my audiences how to achieve their dreams.”

From national conventions to sales meetings, to speaking with executives or athletes, Bacon is a favorite choice. He tells audiences that, as he looks back at his life and achievements, he sees a shared key to his successes: goal-setting.

“My life is the proof that what I’m teaching works,” Bacon says. “The stories I share do two things: they help people believe in themselves, and it usually makes them laugh or cry.”

An Inspiring Speaker

Bacon is a refined, polished speaker whose humble and friendly style allows him to connect to any audience. His inspiring anecdotes touch listeners’ hearts and motivate them to initiate actions. People are invariably amazed at the results.

Those results include one business that scheduled Bacon to talk to its sales staff, just after 09/11, about increasing sales. After Bacon’s talk, sales increased more than 20%, and the sales manager lost 50 pounds as a result of following Bacon’s instructions.

Bacon helps people avoid the stumbling blocks to goal setting. He encourages people to dream big - and often - and shows them the steps to follow.

“Few people set goals, and even fewer write down their goals,” Bacon says, “People worry about how to make it happen. That may discourage them or dissuade them from setting goals. I help them focus on the destination and become excited and motivated so that they can overcome any obstacles in their way.”

Organizations cannot lose with Bacon on their team. He reminds clients, “There is nothing more valuable to you than a motivated person working toward a goal.”