Jerry Bacon

Jerry Bacon

A Keen Insight into How & Why Goal-Setting Works

Jerry set his first long-term goal at the age of eleven. Over the years, his actions, observation and pursuits of knowledge about setting and reaching goals have given him a keen insight into how and why goal-setting works.

His “Miracle of Goal-Setting” presentation will inspire and motivate you and your organization to set new goals, dream new dreams and give you the tools to make those dreams come true.

World Class Speaker

In 1997, Jerry was recognized by Toastmasters International as one of the nine best speakers in the world at the World Championship of Public Speaking Competition held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Jerry Bacon
Jerry Bacon

What Can He Do for You?

  • Research shows that 95% of the people in the world do not have written specific goals.
  • Jeremiah will show you how to be in the 5% that achieves goals.
  • He will give you the questions you need to ask before setting goals for yourself, your family or your organization.
  • He will outline the necessary steps for getting what you want out of life, work and relationships.
  • He will inspire and motivate you to action by sharing his own personal experiences.
  • You will walk away with a new faith in your ability and the knowledge that when it comes to reaching your goals in life, you have what it takes if you do what it takes.